Monday 21 April 2014

Favourite Beauty Products

1. Maybelline 'The Falsies' Mascara

I love this mascara because it really opens up my eyes. I have been using this a lot recently because I really love how it thickens and lengthens my eyelashes at the same time. I really like the packaging and the applicator is really good because it is very flexible le which means it gets to the smaller and thinner lashes. It doesn't go clumpy which is another bonus because it looks very precise and neat.

As you can see I have used this a lot and all the writing has worn off. Hopefully the picture is good enough for you!

2. Collection 2000 Lasting Perfection Concealer

I have loved this concealer since I first started wearing makeup. It is very cheap which means it isn't such a splurge when I run out. There isn't much of a colour range but luckily the middle colour matches me perfectly. It is very high coverage and can be used anywhere on your face because it is not shimmery. I mainly use it under my eyes to even out the colour.

The writing has also worn off this one, but that is expected of this concealer. The writing wears off upon four tries unless you are careful!

3. Nars 'Laguna' Bronzer

I recently got this bronzer for Christmas and I really love it. It is very pigmented so you don't need a lot to get a good amount on your face. The colour is also really good, not too dirty and not to orange. The slight shimmer makes it perfect for any time of the year to structure and warm your face up.

4. Urban Decay NAKED Basics Palette 

From left to right: venus, foxy, w.o.s, naked 2, faint, crave.

This is my number one palette; I use it everyday. Although I don't get much wear out of some of the colours, others I couldn't live without! I love the mirror which makes it easier to travel with.

Venus is a highlighting colour which I uses to highlight under my brows and my inner corner. I sometimes use it to highlight my cheekbones aswell.

Foxy is a yellow nude colour, but I don't use it that often. The only time I use it is when I use it as an under eye powder because the colour cancels out the blue/purple.

W.O.S is the colour I use the least. If I do use it, I swipe it across my lid for natural, everyday look.

Naked 2 is the colour is use in my crease for an everyday makeup look. It is a natural looking shadow so is not too bold.

Faint is my most used colour. I use it everyday to fill in my brows as it is the perfect colour. I also use it in my crease on a special occasion as it is bolder than just the Naked 2.

Finally, I use crave to define my eyes; on my lash line. It is less harsh than an eyeliner which is why I like it and it can also be smudged out for a smokey eye.

5. Rimmel 'Wake me up' Foundation

I have been loving this foundation really because it is a very natural looking foundation with a medium colour which makes it perfect for spring and summer. It has a really nice scent which makes me want to wear it. The colour 'Ivory' matches me perfectly and the slight shimmer in it brightens my face and shines in the sun.

Another thing I love about this foundation is it's pump applicator as it is easy and dies not go everywhere. It is also much more hygienic.

6. Tressesme Shampoo and Conditioner

I have had this shampoo and conditioner set for a while and I have really been loving it recently. It makes my hair feels so soft and smell lovely. The shampoo lathers up really well so you don't need much and the conditioner really thickens your ends and makes your hair shiny and smooth. Plus, once used it, your hair doesn't go oily straight away and you can leave it about two days unless your hair can stay for longer!

7. 'See' by Chloe Perfume

I have really been loving this perfume recently. It is a really fresh and floral scent for spring.

I am not amazing at describing scents so here is the official description.

'A floral fragrance that playfully blends sensual notes of sandalwood and vanilla.
Like a sweet smile, the first sparkling notes of bergamot stir the senses.
The spirit floats on apple blossom and jasmine caresses.'

I am really loving this perfume at the moment and I am wearing it everyday. It lasts for a long time so no need to keep topping it up and using it quicker.

Thankyou for reading today's blog post and I will see you again tomorrow!

Instagram - hansaundersx
Twitter - han_saundersx

Love from Hannah x

Saturday 19 April 2014

Easter Meal

Me and Isabelle slept over at my aunties last night, and today we prepared the Easter meal for the family. 

This morning Isabelle went home to go to her football match which they drew 1-1 to the first in the league. I stayed with auntie and uncle and we did a few jobs before making the dinner.

Easter eggs for everyone! Happy Easter!

Bare Table haha! Blue themed... :)



Knife and Forks - Arthur Price
Place Mats - Not on the High Street
Easter Egg - Morrisons 2 for £3

Non alcoholic rosé for us children, love this and love the juicer!

Dad and Auntie Sarah, brother and sister... :)

My gorgeous mother :)

Table is finished! 

Decanter - LSA
Carafe - House of Fraser

Cheers big ears!

Grandma and Grandpa, fave people :)

Dinner time!

Lamb with rosemary, garlic, lemon zest and olive oil
Carrot and Suede
White Cabbage

Cooked by my lovely uncle paul!

Before I go, quick outfit of the day!

Jumper - Hollister
Jeans - Hollister
Jacket - Hollister

Top - Forever 21 (America)
Leggings - Unknown

What are you doing for Easter? Leave me a message in the comments!

Instagram - hansaundersx
Twitter - han_saundersx

Love from Hannah x

Friday 18 April 2014

Friday Lunch Out

As it's Good Friday, we decided to go to our Auntie and Uncles so we could all go out for lunch at a nice pub.

The walk up there is very long but it is really nice to spend some time with the family as we don't see them that often!

Although very long, the road is full of countryside and animals and I have got lots of photos of my family to share with you!

Two cousins speeding off...! We had lost so much distance by the end! Soo far behind...

Isabelle the poser, love her I do :)

Isabelle and my favourite cousin!

From left to right: Oliver (cousin), Auntie Sarah, Isabelle (sister)

All looking gorgeous as usual, yes you aswell Oliver, haha!

Sheep on the way up to the country pub, love a bit of countryside I do!

Not something you see every day, a dead hedgehog... R.I.P Hegdehog

Sure I will regret this very graphic photo.

2 miles later and we are finally here!

Was such a lovely day today, so unlike the British weather but perfect for a family walk; not complaining!

 From left to right: Oliver (cousin), Lucy (cousin), Sharon my lovely mother, Uncle Paul (the one and only), The Beautiful Auntie Sarah, Nick (cousin), me and then finally the father Christopher!

Quick photo before dinner with my favourite people... :)

Oliver :)

Auntie and Uncle :)

Outfits of the day!

Top - Miss Selfridge
Jeans - Moto Joni Jeans from Topshop
Shoes - Timberlands
Jacket - Hollister

Jacket - Converse
Leggings - H&M
Shoes - Converse

Loving spring style at the moment, a time to pull out the colourful clothes that have been hiding in your wardrobe throughout winter!

P.S. I haven't worn this jacket in a year!

Walk back with Oliver, auntie and uncle...

We were so slow again so we took a shortcut, muddy but much quicker!

Loving this spring sun, what happened to April showers!

Stole Uncle Pauls sunglasses and selfie with my other cousin Nick... :)

Sheep were very camera shy so ran away before I could get a good photo! This'll do I hope!

Finally home! How was your day today?

Please leave me a comment and have a look at my other posts!

Come and say hey!
Instagram: hansaundersx
Twitter: han_saundersx

Love from Hannah x

Wednesday 16 April 2014

Crocky Trail

Pulling funny faces on the way to Chester
(Me and Isabelle)

Journey to Chester, boringg...

Little cows on the fields!

But first - let me take a selfie...
From left to right: Ellie (Best Friend), Isabelle (Sister), and me!

Arrived at Crocky Trail!

Haha, me and Isabelle trying to escape from the dome!

This was really hard, there was no other way out, everyone was slipping down. Luckily we manged to get out otherwise we'd still be there!

On the walk, really good shot from Dad which is a change!

The woods were really nice!

Speaking of Dad, here are my gorgeous parents...
Not looking their best, but still perfect!

Can you escape jail? Ellie couldn't! Isabelle went to help but I ran away - what a good friend I am!

Hamster wheel, didn't attempt the 360 spin or someone would end up in hospital...

I love my bestfriend!

Left to right: Me, Ellie and Isabelle

The slides were so good, looked scary, but once on them they were amazing!

Thought this was a good action shot!

The flowers around the walk were so pretty we couldn't resist a picture! My two favourite girls!

Who hit the bottle first? Me of course but we will let Ellie think it was her!

'If it's not fun, your doing it wrong.'

Loved Crocky Trails today, but definately wear old clothes as you are guaranteed to get mucky!

There was no activity I didn't enjoy, especially because I was with my favourite people!

Visit there website -

Finally, go stalk my best friends blog!

Any requests? Leave them in the comments!

Love Hannah x