Saturday 19 April 2014

Easter Meal

Me and Isabelle slept over at my aunties last night, and today we prepared the Easter meal for the family. 

This morning Isabelle went home to go to her football match which they drew 1-1 to the first in the league. I stayed with auntie and uncle and we did a few jobs before making the dinner.

Easter eggs for everyone! Happy Easter!

Bare Table haha! Blue themed... :)



Knife and Forks - Arthur Price
Place Mats - Not on the High Street
Easter Egg - Morrisons 2 for £3

Non alcoholic rosé for us children, love this and love the juicer!

Dad and Auntie Sarah, brother and sister... :)

My gorgeous mother :)

Table is finished! 

Decanter - LSA
Carafe - House of Fraser

Cheers big ears!

Grandma and Grandpa, fave people :)

Dinner time!

Lamb with rosemary, garlic, lemon zest and olive oil
Carrot and Suede
White Cabbage

Cooked by my lovely uncle paul!

Before I go, quick outfit of the day!

Jumper - Hollister
Jeans - Hollister
Jacket - Hollister

Top - Forever 21 (America)
Leggings - Unknown

What are you doing for Easter? Leave me a message in the comments!

Instagram - hansaundersx
Twitter - han_saundersx

Love from Hannah x

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