Wednesday 16 April 2014

Crocky Trail

Pulling funny faces on the way to Chester
(Me and Isabelle)

Journey to Chester, boringg...

Little cows on the fields!

But first - let me take a selfie...
From left to right: Ellie (Best Friend), Isabelle (Sister), and me!

Arrived at Crocky Trail!

Haha, me and Isabelle trying to escape from the dome!

This was really hard, there was no other way out, everyone was slipping down. Luckily we manged to get out otherwise we'd still be there!

On the walk, really good shot from Dad which is a change!

The woods were really nice!

Speaking of Dad, here are my gorgeous parents...
Not looking their best, but still perfect!

Can you escape jail? Ellie couldn't! Isabelle went to help but I ran away - what a good friend I am!

Hamster wheel, didn't attempt the 360 spin or someone would end up in hospital...

I love my bestfriend!

Left to right: Me, Ellie and Isabelle

The slides were so good, looked scary, but once on them they were amazing!

Thought this was a good action shot!

The flowers around the walk were so pretty we couldn't resist a picture! My two favourite girls!

Who hit the bottle first? Me of course but we will let Ellie think it was her!

'If it's not fun, your doing it wrong.'

Loved Crocky Trails today, but definately wear old clothes as you are guaranteed to get mucky!

There was no activity I didn't enjoy, especially because I was with my favourite people!

Visit there website -

Finally, go stalk my best friends blog!

Any requests? Leave them in the comments!

Love Hannah x

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